Last weekend I worked very hard to finish my script. I felt my brain slowly shutting down from the creative overload, but I powered through it to write an 80-page screenplay. I handed it in this past Monday to Colin. It was like having weight lifted off my shoulders. I'll probably still work on it on and off for the next few years until somehow I can get it made.
Sunday I decided to be social and went out with my roommates Hannah and Erica along with some other friends to a Christmas festivals near the docks in Dublin. It was a little warm, but eventually it got cold when dark came.
This area was like a whole new side of Dublin we never saw. |
The festival was so pretty. It had mostly German booths, like sausages, candy, cakes, as well as gift shops and little bars that sold mulled wine. It reminded me of the little market in Bryant Park next to the skating rink during the holidays. There were so many sweets I wanted to eat! I ended up snacking on some small cakes my friends got and a candy apple.
Unfortunately I didn't stay long because it was getting cold and I needed to finish my script. So Erica, Hannah, and I took a bus back to Griffith. It was my first time taking the Dublin bus!
First Dublin double decker bus ride! |
Monday night was our 'Tischmas' Party, where we all gathered in a room to celebrate Christmas and the end of the semester. We had had our final Secret Santa exchange too. We put our presents in a big black bag and Sourabh gave them all out, and we guessed who our Secret Santa was. Erica was my Secret Santa, and I was Kasey's. Erica had given me some very cute presents. Love her!
Me and Erica, with David the Rabbit. |
Present time! |
Tuesday night was the screening of the music videos, hosted by Hot Press Magazine. The production students finally got to show everyone, including their band, the music videos they worked so hard on. They came out really well! Everyone did a really great job, and all the videos were well-received. The pictures from the event are here.
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:) |
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Photo courtesy of Hot Press |
Wednesday was the the reading of the Screenwriting class' screenplays. Tisch hired five professional actors to come in and read 10 pages of our scripts. We were all super nervous for this. My script was read third. I felt a little embarrassed, but the actors were really great. Colin put up a photo for each story on the projector. I guess I never really talked about my script in terms of story. Right now, my script is about a single mother of three living the perfect life until one of her daughters leaves and things start to go wrong.
After the reading Susanne took us out to dinner to a fancy wine bar. I had the best steak ever there. I also tried some mulled wine, which is seasonal, and it was the most delicious wine I ever tasted. And I'm not really a fan of wine.
It's kind of sad that the semester in Dublin is over. I finished my essay Wednesday night, which marked my last academic responsibility here. Yesterday we all met for the last time in Tisch to do evaluations for the program, and the Susanne played the movie Once for us. It was really good, plus the music was also good and it was fun recognizing all the streets in Dublin. I spent most of the night packing everything. I'm pretty much done. My suitcases are stuff though, I hope they aren't overweight!
I'll probably do one more post after this one, and then that's about it for my Ireland blog. Hopefully I'll start another one because I really do blogging and I'm kind of over LiveJournal.
looks like you had a nice time abroad! :D